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Guidelines for Parents

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Parents are requested:

  • To read the contents of the almanac carefully, and in the interest of the child, abide by the rules laid down by the school.
  • To check the school almanac regularly and sign for remarks / comments. There is no need to send a separate leave application for leave up to three days, as space for the same has been provided in the almanac.
  • To help their wards by taking care of their home assignments, by making arrangement for him/her to complete the missed work in case of absence.
  • To attend Parent Teacher Meeting regularly to keep themselves appraised on the overall development of their ward.
  • To encourage their ward to take balanced interest in studies, sports, games and other co-curricular activities.
  • Not to send their ward to school if he / she is suffering from a contagious / infectious disease.
  • Not to encourage their ward to remain absent from the school unnecessarily.
  • To make the ward to stay away from mobile phone, T.V., and internet. If needed, to provide these only under proper supervision.
  • To inform the school if there is any change in the address or telephone numbers.
  • To switch off the mobile phone in school premises.
  • Not to send sweets, toffees or any other eatables to celebrate their ward’s birthday. It will be a good gesture to contribute one book to the school library or a sapling.
  • To communicate any urgent message at the school reception telephonically. Phone calls from parents for any teacher or student during the school hours will not be entertained.
  • To sign the report cards, test papers, teacher’s remarks in the notebooks/school almanac so that they are abreast with the progress of their child.
  • To visit the teachers whenever called or on PTMs and orientation programmes.
  • To encourage their wards to devote some time regularly on studies at home. Supervision of the same should be done by the parents.
  • To ensure that proper police verification of drivers is done for independent transport arrangements and all safety measures are taken to avoid any untoward incident.
  • To pick up their wards outside the school. No stranger, driver or family friend is allowed to pick up the ward unless their photo is at the back of the ward’s I card.