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House System in School

To instill the art of self-discipline, self-governance, and team spirit, we have constituted four houses. Education brings out the child’s innate talents, so we try to provide as many opportunities as possible to every student to take part in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities. This enhances the child’s aptitude and also inculcates in them a spirit of healthy competition. Moreover, it teaches them to be more disciplined and organized individuals.

We encourage a healthy and competitive spirit among the students by having Inter-House Competitions; conducted under the guidance of the Principal and House Coordinators. The students are allowed to take part in various house activities. The house names, along with their respective colors and mottos, are given below.

House Motto
Nalanda House Finding the Hidden Self
Vikramashila House Nourishing yourself
Vallabhi House Making Ourselves Think
Takshilla House Igniting Young Minds to deal with reality

Inter-House competitions form an integral part of our curriculum. Various competitions like literary, cultural, sports, yoga, etc., are held with verve and enthusiasm. With this, we aim to highlight the importance of sportsmanship for bringing out the best of the compelling spirit of young players.

These houses are supervised by a team of House captains, vice-captains, discipline in-charges, and house masters. The four houses not only symbolize high values, but at Nehru International Public School, we train our students to be messengers of these values and to take them far and beyond.

The student council consists of the Head Girl, Head Boy, House Captains, Vice–Captains, and Prefects. It functions under the guidance of a coordinator and a House Mistress each. The Council meets once a month to organize, analyze and put the various school activities into action.

We aspire to make our young scholars develop into confident young leaders who can think independently and steer their lives to great heights!