Workshops & Seminars
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Importance of Seminars and Workshops for Students
Seminars and Workshops are actually a prime concern for students. We can say that it is a way of welcoming modern education. Conduction of seminars frequently keeps the students updated with the latest technologies. As we know practically it is not possible for students to gain every knowledge from the text books alone, therefore, seminars play an important role in providing the students with the trend that is happening in science and technologies. It is important for students to take part in the seminars on various topics and at the same time it is also important that the students are being encouraged to take part, telling them the benefits that can add on to their learning. Inviting famous big personalities to share their experience and ideas in science and technologies can help students interact with them and understand the latest advancements that are taking place in the technical field.
Apart from learning there are also other benefits of conducting seminars, when students are asked individually to give a speech or present a topic in front of the crowd and their teachers and other faculty members make students confident. They gain the courage into public speaking which helps them enhance their curriculum skills.
Workshops and seminars play a vital role and are capable of bridging the gap and equipping students of the current generation with technologies of the new era. Therefore, it is better to realise and recognize the importance of conducting seminars and workshops at an early age.
Role of seminars and workshops for the students
Proficiency in Verbal Communication – Seminars and workshops improves the verbal communication skills of the students and builds confidence in the students. This will prepare them for interviews and group discussions in the near future.
Acquirement of Knowledge in a specific field- Workshops and seminars gives opportunities to the students to be able to interact with experts from the specific field. Experts are experienced and having a discussion with them on a particular topic enables the students to learn about the latest information and strategies related to the particular field. AS a result students will then investigate and do a deep research for that topic in order to land onto a conclusion.
Growth in Networking- Seminars and workshops helps in growing the network, as the students and faculties from different institutions come in to be a part of it. Meeting and interacting with new people helps students to build their social communication skills as well as get guidance and solutions related to common issues. These networking chains continue to grow even after the seminar or workshop ends which helps students escalate their professional life.
Encouragement and Motivation- Learning new topics and researching about them makes students explore new ideas in detail related to the topic. Pupils feel encouraged and inspired to learn more effectively and efficiently. When teachers and experts guide the students they feel more motivated to do the particular task to polish their own research journals, contributing significantly to the education sector.
It is a different environment as compared to classroom- When a learning environment is different from a regular classroom one, students take more interest in learning something, it excites them and they learn more effectively and attentively.
Benefits and importance of workshops for students:
Workshops and seminars are more than necessary in higher studies where every aspect of study is relevant to market and industrial standards. Students communicate verbally with the live audience sharing their ideas, which helps them boost up their confidence and eliminate the public or stage fear.
Importance of Seminars and Workshops for Teachers:
The aim of the department of education is that every teacher should be efficient and effective in their teaching. Mentors too need mentors, this is why workshops and seminars are important for teachers as well, so they too can learn new ideas which they can apply in their teachings making it more effective.
Education and learning are a lifelong process. It does not end after a person graduates or starts his or her career. It takes continuous learning to improve their skills and become more professional at their work. It is particularly important for school administrators in the field of primary and secondary education management to enable professional development for teachers, not only to give their students the best learning results but also to be more effective and fulfilled throughout various other aspects of their job.
Teachers find new methods of teaching:
Attending a seminar or a workshop helps generate new ideas and strategies, where the teacher can go back to the class and improve their teaching skills or maybe enhance it with more add on that they learnt in a particular workshop. However, it does not happen overnight or in a day, it is a process and it takes practice and time for a teacher to implement it and improve or enhance their teaching skills to make it more effective. By introducing the educators with the new techniques, teaching style, record keeping, assessment style makes them more effective in their presentation and course assessment.
Teachers develop better skills in organizing and management:
Teachers spend most of their time preparing for the teaching, paper work, students evaluation, curriculum development and what not! Professional development can help teachers to manage their time by learning time management. This makes teachers more efficient so they can focus more on students rather than on paperwork.